Fulfill Your Aspirations.
We deliver exceptional design in an atmosphere of mutual trust and respect.
PFB has a solid foundation in architecture, with an over seventy year history. We are a dedicated architectural movement, a nationally-recognized focus group of planning and design experts who utilize our knowledge to fulfill your firm's aspirations.
Our primary goal is to serve and satisfy you - our clients - and we know each client and each project is unique. To successfully serve you, we strive to understand your goals and motivations.
We are a service organization, and our primary goal is to serve and satisfy our clients. Each client and each project is unique. To successfully serve our clients, we strive to understand their goals and motivations.
Coordination of reliable schedules and cost control are two very important aspects of our service package. Schedules and budget figures are reviewed and revised at the beginning of each phase to keep everyone current on costs, and to avoid unnecessary surprises at the end of the project.
Our experience indicates that a comprehensive pre-design analysis and program have a direct and significant impact on the success of the project and on the effectiveness and efficiency of the development process. We review existing documentation / facilities and report any problematic deficiencies pertaining to code, structure, ADA, etc.
Every project has a unique set of constraints, requirements, and challenges. As creative problem solvers, it is our responsibility as architects to respond to project parameters and to develop design solutions that maximize the aesthetic, functional, and economic quality of our projects. We have a staff of talented designers that balance creative imagination with practical experience and technical expertise.
Our clients benefit from the knowledge and expertise gained by over seventy years of experience. Our staff is informed of the latest technological advances and trends that develop in the design and construction industry. This knowledge is reflected in the accuracy and completeness of our bidding and construction documents.
The design and development of a construction project involves various organizations and numerous individuals. At PFB Architects, we view the role of the architect as a team leader and project manager. The success of our work can be evaluated in terms of the efficient and effective management of each project. With our client’s input and direction, we communicate and manage the process from pre-design programming to occupancy. To that end, we maintain a thorough understanding of building costs. We provide innovative solutions to building and design problems while maintaining responsible administration of the budget.
We view each client as a team member involved with the total process, and believe that integrity and honesty are inherent to good client relationships. An atmosphere of mutual trust and respect promotes a successful and rewarding business relationship and supports the management and minimization of issues inherent to each building project.
Process Approach
Essential Elements.
Standout aspects of our over 70 years of architectural experience at PFB Architects include the quality of our service package and the success of our design products. We have identified five essential elements key to the execution of each project:
- Service
- Pre-Design Research and Planning
- Design Talent and Creative Thinking
- Technical Competency
- Management