Loretto Hospital

Medical / Surgical Unit Renovation

Medical / Surgical Unit Renovation

About the project

Project details
Size 8,200 SF
Location Chicago, IL
Firm Role Planning | SD | DD | CD | CA
Cost $3M
Bed Count 20 Private | 2 fully accessible

One-third of a $15M TIFF Fund from the City of Chicago was used to finance a multiple patient unit renovation project, and this 5th Floor Medical / Surgical renovation project was the first full-department renovation. We were tasked with the goal of updating the unit to comply with current state and city requirements, increase patient satisfaction, and provide additional staff work space.

The existing medical-surgical unit layout was converted into 20 private patient rooms. Of the 20 new rooms, four are isolation rooms and two are fully accessible. Each patient room has a new headwall with increased medical gas outlets, updated finishes and furnishings, and a private toilet room with shower.

The expansion of staff areas was another critical component to this project. All work areas, storage rooms, and staff-dedicated spaces are centralized on the unit. Included are separate offices for doctors and nurses, an open work area with various countertop heights for standing or seated charting, and a new nourishment station. A dedicated staff lounge and separate locker room within the unit improves staff satisfaction and productivity.

The unit has all new systems including increased air flow and control, a new nurse call, and patient departure alarm system. Additional power and data are included in the project to allow the unit to be adaptable for future technological growth within the facility.

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Pediatric and PICU Relocation

About the project

Project details
Size 5,150 SF
Location Joliet, IL
Firm Role Planning | SD | DD | CD | CA
Design Time Design to Occupancy in 4 months

This project involved the relocation of 5,150 square foot of pediatric care, including a 12-bed pediatric acute care unit, a 3-bed intensive care unit – including a new nurse work area and isolation room – 1 new nurses station, and a small satellite station. Project challenges included a fast-track timeline, minimal budget, and broad range of appeal.

The interior environment needed to be conducive to a wide age range of patients (newborn – 16 years) that would be staying on this unit. This was achieved by implementing bright colors and bold graphics, both in the corridors and patient rooms. Use of modular furniture in the nurse station and work area provided the client flexibility for future changes. The furniture can be taken apart and reconfigured at any time. The project was completed in 4 months from design to final occupancy.

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Dental Lab and Clinic Expansion

About the project

Project details
Size 12,400 SF
Location Hines, IL
Firm Role Planning | SD | DD | CD | CA
Cost $3.8M

The objectives of this dental lab and clinic expansion project on the 12th floor of Edward Hines Jr. VA Hospital Building 200 were to improve patient experience and staff efficiencies while nearly tripling the clinic from 4,500 SF to 12,400 SF.

In the expanded and improved space, general dentistry includes 12 operatories, 3 hygienist rooms, and x-ray. Oral surgery consists of 4 oral surgery rooms and 1 dual-use treatment bay.

The dental laboratory grew to include separation between model making and prosthetics, as well as a dedicated shipping and receiving area. The program also included added staff support areas such as staff locker room, break room and training room.

In addition to increases in the treatment spaces, the new clinic doubled the public areas to improve patient services. Transom lights allow daylight to filter into the public corridors, and wood veneer wall protection in key areas accent destination points and warm the atmosphere. With careful consideration to the design, the new space provides a positive patient experience to counteract the stereotypical feelings of taking a trip to the dentist.

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HVAC Upgrade at Building 200

About the project

Project details
Location Hines, IL
Firm Role Planning | SD | DD | CD | CA
Cost $15M

The HVAC upgrade to Building 200 at Edward Hines Jr. VA Hospital involved the following:

Project Scope
PHASE I: Documentation, Analysis, and Report
PHASE II: Prepare Master Plan and Design Standards
PHASE III: Design Services
PHASE IV: Commissioning Services

Basement and First Floor Options
- Reduce impact on day-to-day operations
- How to replace with a high-efficiency system
- Provide winter cooling & increase plant capacity

Tower Options
- New units on each floor / eliminate perimeter units
- New units on roof with provisions to change type
- New units on roof/penthouse with new duct shafts
- New above-ceiling units with dedicated air from penthouse units
- Replacement of current units with heat pumps

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